Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Seeds? (ANSWERED)

Question: Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?

can dogs eat sunflower seeds

Answer: You can give your dog a moderate amount of sunflower seeds, but they have to be shelled and unsalted. Also, sunflower oil may cause gastric upset if too many seeds are consumed.

If you need more information about the possible pros and cons of sunflower seeds, please read a detailed answer below.

Are Sunflower Seeds Bad for Dogs?

Generally, you have nothing to worry about, but there may still be several reasons to carefully give sunflower seeds to your pet.

Salted Seeds Are Toxic for Dogs

Are sunflower seeds poisonous to dogs?

Salted seeds are not toxic themselves, but excessive salt in dog food can cause extreme thirst, repeating urination, and sodium ion poisoning.

The poisoned dog starts vomiting, has diarrhea, tremors, high temperature, and sometimes even seizures. That is extremely dangerous and can even lead to death.

Bottom line: I would not recommend feeding your dog salted sunflower seeds as they are very likely to hurt your dog’s digestive system.

Sunflower Seed Shells and Hulls Cause Intestinal Distress

Sunflower seed shells and hulls can be dangerous for dogs, and you should never give your dog to eat them.

The sunflower hulls and shells are not meant to be digestible and may cause severe problems if stuck in a dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Dogs can’t chew them up properly and split them out as humans do.

If not appropriately chewed, hulls can at least cause stomach ache.

The sharp pieces of shells can cause esophageal disorder or damage the digestive tract of a dog.

What should you do if your dog already ate too many unpeeled seeds? Try to make him vomit.

Excessive Amount of Sunflower Seeds Oil is Harmful

As you probably know, sunflower seeds contain a lot of vegetable oil, which is why large amounts of seeds may cause diarrhea or even mild vomiting.

Is it hazardous? It is not a pretty sight, of course, but it is not a big deal, and your pet is going to be okay. You need to give it some water to empty its stomach as soon as possible and keep all other food away for several hours.

However, a vast amount of sunflower seed oil can result in inflammation of the pancreas, especially for a small dog or a puppy. Big dogs usually are on the safe side.

Anyway, I would recommend visiting your vet if your dog or puppy ate many sunflower seeds.

Allergy or Hypersensitivity to Sunflower Seeds Components

Also, your pet might be allergic or just hypersensitive to some components of sunflower seeds.

If your dog is susceptible to sunflower seeds, you will notice this: it will vomit repeatedly and become apathetic. If that happens, you need to call your vet right away.

Are Sunflower Seeds Good for Dogs?

Sunflower seeds have a variety of health benefits, though.

Ten grams of dried sunflower seeds can provide about six calories and contain 5% water, 20% carbohydrates, 50% fat, and 20% protein (table).

The sunflower seeds are a perfect protein source, dietary fiber, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E. The seeds also are a rich source of dietary minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc.

According to the research conducted by Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine, a moderate amount of sunflower seeds given to your dog can improve his temper, skin, and coach.

Shelled and salt-free kernels are pretty safe and healthy treats for dogs and puppies of all ages.

Benefits of Sunflower Seeds for Dogs

  1. Fat is a necessary part of a balanced dog’s diet. They need 10-15 percent of fat in their diet to maintain health. Sunflower seeds contain very healthy and monounsaturated fats, which are the most concentrated energy source for your dog.
  2. Sunflower oil supplies more Vitamin E than any other vegetable oil. Even one ounce of sunflower seeds contains a daily requirement of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a common ingredient in skin care products designed for humans. It can support a dog’s immune system and help maintain a healthy dog’s coat and skin.
  3. Seeds can help to prevent canine anemia caused by a low level of iron.
  4. Sunflower kernels contain selenium, an antioxidant that functions in conjunction with vitamin E and protects dog body cells from breakdown.
  5. Sunflower grains are high in so-called vitamin B8, also known as biotin. Biotin is essential for average cell growth. It takes part in different metabolic reactions and helps to transport carbon dioxide.

How Many Seeds Can I Give My Dog?

The number of sunflower seeds you can give your dog strongly depends on his/her mass and age.

Sunflower seeds have 160 calories/oz (about six calories/gm). You can easily give a small dog or a puppy 5-10 seeds (about 5-10 grams or 30-60 calories).

Bigger dogs can eat much more: even 40-50 seeds (about 250-300 calories) can be okay for them.


Some dogs do love seeds, and it is not a big deal if they, maybe, are trying to steal the ones you drop while eating yourself. Sunflower seeds are good for dogs in small amounts.

You can even give your dog a few kernels on purpose while training, but I would keep them to a minimum to be on the safe side.