Can Cats Eat Squid? Is Fish Good for Cats?

Can cats eat squid? Is fish good for cats? We know the right answers, and you can find them below.

Summary: The answer to both questions  – yes, you can offer raw squid or a dish prepared from squid but only once in a while. Never offer raw fish but cooked or boiled fish might be quite beneficial for your cat. 

If you need more details, all pros, and cons – you can easily find them in the text below.

can dogs eat squid

It’s indisputable that a cat’s penchant for fishes is legendary. Feed your pet cat fillets of salmon, halibut, and cod, and she’ll follow you always like your shadow. That cat has an irresistible weakness for a wide variety of fishes has become an integral part of the myths revolving around her.

However, numerous marine species are grouped under the category of fishes but not to a cat’s liking. For instance, cats may recoil at the sight of a shellfish, starfish, cuttlefish, and squid. Talking about squids, these marine organisms are classed under cephalopods and consumed heavily in the Mediterranean, Southwestern Atlantic, and Japan.

But the moot question here is can cats eat squids. Before we answer this question, it’d be pertinent to ask if cats like to feed on squids in the first place.

Can Cats Eat Squid?

It’s a matter of pure conjecture whether your cat will like the sight of squid if you place the cephalopod before her. Chances of her taking to the organism are fifty-fifty.

And can cats eat squids? The answer to the question – yes, you can offer raw squid or a dish prepared from squid but only once in a while.

You should be restrictive in your offering because squid, both in fried and raw form, may not be safe for cats. As with most raw fish types, raw squid could cause food poisoning to your feline friend. On the other hand, fried preparations, known as calamari, could be unsafe as well.

Calamari tends to be harmful because it is sautéed in oil with seasonings and garnishes. The chemicals inherent in squid and the method of preparation could deal a fatal blow to cats. If your pet cat takes to squids, then offer only the plain variety, and make sure you boil it properly.

However, even providing squid in this form is not entirely risk-free. Boiled or steamed squid tends to be rubbery, making it hard for the cat to masticate. Every possibility of the squid portions obstructs the cat’s esophagus, making the feline vulnerable to choking.

To minimize the risk of choking or suffocation, ensure that you break up the squid into tiny pieces. Remember that squid does not offer any noticeable health benefit and cannot be a part of the feline’s regular diet. Perhaps, the only real benefit of feeding squids to your feline friend is that she may find them delicious.

Eating squids would more than provide a cat’s daily requirement of zinc, a mineral that can help keep the immune system healthy. The mineral could also help deal with diarrhea and expedite wound healing by checking bacterial growth and inflammation. On the other hand, excessive intake of zinc could prove detrimental from the perspective of health.

Many veterinarians suggest not offering squids to cats, either in raw or boiled form, due to gastroenteritis risk. Also, feeding squids to felines cause chemical decomposition of thiamine, a type of vitamin B that provides energy and promotes brain function. At the same time, thiamine’s breakdown could lead to neurological problems.

Is Fish Good for Cats?

Talking about the benefits of including fish in your pet cat’s regular diet, never offer raw fish. Instead, offer adequately cooked or boiled fish or commercial food containing salmon, halibut, and herring extracts. Numerous fish oil products and supplements can supply your cat with omega-3 fatty acids.

So, can cats eat squid or fish? To say last but not least, always consult your vet before you can introduce any food item which your cat has not tasted before.