Can Dogs Eat Pizza Crust? [ANSWERED]

My dog ate pizza crust! Is it safe? Can dogs eat pizza crust? We know the right answer.

Summary: We can safely conclude that it’d be better not to offer pizza crust to your pet dog. Certain ingredients like onion, garlic, cheese, and wheat could cause more harm than good to your canine friend.

If you need more details, please read the text below.

can dogs eat pizza crust

There’s no denying the global popularity of pizzas. People of all nationalities like to feast on the food item available in a tasty variety of flavors. But can you offer pizza crust to your pet dog? Is the pizza, even the topping, safe for consumption by the canines?

If you prefer a candid and straightforward response to the above questions, then the answer would possibly be no. Pizzas contain several ingredients, including but not limited to wheat, garlic, onion, and mushrooms that could be harmful to your dog.

Most pizza varieties contain wheat as one of the essential ingredients, and many canine breeds happen to be allergic to this grain.

The cheese content of pizzas also may not be conducive for dogs with lactose intolerance.

Can Dogs Eat Pizza Crust?

A pizza crust or topping may not be a healthy food for your pet dog. How harmful pizzas can be for canines depends significantly on the ingredients that go into them. Some of the most pizza ingredients include tomatoes, cheese, anchovies, bacon, chicken, black olives, garlic, onion, olive, and pepperoni.

Other ingredients commonly used comprise pepper, mushroom, spinach, green pepper, sausage, pineapple, and ground beef. Out of all the ingredients above, only onion and garlic have the potential of causing toxicity in dogs. Anyway, since garlic and onion are used sparingly in pizzas, the chances of your dog experiencing severe side-effects are very slim.

But if the pet somehow gorges a whole onion-flavored pizza, he could at high risk of suffering a stomach upset. On the other hand, if he consumes only a small section, he may not have any side effects.

Can Puppies Eat Pizza Crust?

It’s plain common-sense that if pizzas offer no health benefits to dogs, then the food will surely not be healthy for puppies. Puppies tend to be very tender, both physically and psychologically. Their physiological and biological systems are not developed to the extent that they’ll be able to digest spicy and hot foods.

And pizza toppings and core contain a generous spread of peppers, pepperoni, and other spicy ingredients that make it hot. So, you’d be better off not offering even a slice of pizza to a puppy if you’re concerned about its wellbeing.

Why Pizzas Harmful to Dogs?

For a start, pizzas are prepared, keeping in mind the dietary requirements of humans. So, pizzas can never be a healthy food item for your pet dog, even though it may find them delicious. This food item contains tons of calories, which could cause gastrointestinal problems and make your dog obese.

Garlic, belonging to the allium plant family, abounds in thiosulfate, which could adversely affect the blood’s oxygen quality. Onions, classed under the same plant family as garlic, could be harmful to the dog’s wellbeing as well. In the worst possible case scenario, your dog could have ‘hemolytic anemia’ that could turn fatal.

So, Can Dogs East Pizza Crust?

Summing up, we can safely conclude that it’d be better not to offer pizza crust to your pet dog. Certain ingredients like onion, garlic, cheese, and wheat could cause more harm than good to your canine friend.